WARNING: There are MANY MAJOR LOST Season 6 Finale Spoilers now posted and the Spoiler Warning will remain at RED until the show ends.
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MAJOR FINALE SPOILER - I know this is not a full synopsis, but there have been some concerns about the finale being ruined so if you do NOT want the finale partly spoiled, then STOP reading and leave the SPOILERS SECTION.
Here is the latest filming updated for the season finale from our good friend Ryan from Hawaii Blog. It looks like the cast and crew were filming what seems to be the point the Oceanic 6 are trying to escape or get rescued. According to Ryan, all of the Oceanic 6 members were spotted on set as was Sawyer. Also, if you look closely you see someone that looks like Frank. I know director Jack Bender looks like Frank, but look at the cap below.
**UPDATED** Also, noticed what looks like Jin on set, cap posted below.
Here are Ryan's set report and photos.
Thanks to Lyly for the heads up.
As we draw nearer to the Season 4 finale, the “LOST” production crew is bringing the story ever closer to the pivotal moment when the Oceanic Six get off the island. To tell that story, they headed way out to Wai’anae, the arid, rural west coast of O’ahu. They established a base camp at Wai’anae Regional Park, and enlisted a handful of boats to carry equipment and crew across Pokai Bay.
The cast and their stand-ins took their direction on shore, then made their way into the ocean to film their scene. It was relatively simple in the narrative sense, but working on the water always makes things exponentially more complicated. Crew members had to keep a handle on a surfboard-riding director, hand held cameras and cameramen buffeted by the surf, a sound boat rocking on the waves, and keeping props from floating away. The primary prop? A large, octagonal life raft.
Action is called, and the stars get wet. Jorge Garcia, Yunjun Kim, Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly, Naveen Andrews and Josh Holloway swim toward the raft through some debris. In several takes, Hurley — clutching a doll that’s most likely playing Aaron — helps pull Kate, Sun, and Sayid aboard. But Jack and Sawyer take a little longer to reach them. And Sawyer is holding someone who’s not moving.
Who is in trouble? Exactly how did the Oceanic Six (plus one) end up in the water? Where are they? And how do they get from here to Hawaii? The answers will come soon enough!
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