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Latest Filming Report - Ben, Jack, Des and Sun

Hey All,
Here is the most recent set report for Season 5 of LOST. This report comes from a fan and reader of BuddyTV that was lucky to witness the most recent filming that took place at what seems like a church with Jack, Ben, Desmond and Sun.

Once again this all seems to fall in line with the off-island Losties planning on making a return to the island.

Here is the summary of what took place thanks to Moosky19:

* The scene witnessed took place at a Catholic school, though Moosky19 believes that they might have been using it as a church because they added an extra Jesus on the cross prop on the exterior.
* The scene had four main characters: Jack, Ben, Sun and Desmond.
* Yes, Desmond.
* Ben, Sun and Jack were using the same Canton Rainier van that we reported about in our last spoiler update, which you can find here.
* In the scene Moosky19 witnessed, Sun and Ben talk in a very serious manner once they exit the van. In the middle of the conversation, Ben pulls something out of his “man purse” and gives it to Sun. Whatever it was, it was small, Moosky19 thinking that maybe it was Jin's ring. Next, Desmond comes into the scene, and then they all run into the building.
* Desmond is wearing a wedding band. Did he and Penny get married?
* Also, Sun has a gun on her the whole time.
* Moosky19 also noted that everyone appeared to be pretty buddy-buddy with Ben the whole time, or at least they were working with him without animosity.

Source: Moosky19@BuddyTV