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Latest Season 5 Details from TV Guide about Juliet

Here are the latest details for Season 5 of LOST about Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell).

There is nothing major new, but at least something for Juliet fans to calm their nerves about her role in Season 5.

Thanks to Sarah for the heads up

I know Skaters and Jaters are asking about their Lost couples, but please don't ignore us Jacketeers! Is there hope for a Jack-Juliet reunion? – Tamuna

Matt: Hope? Sure. It's just a matter of where (back on the island, I can only assume) and when (perhaps as early as this coming season, at least one source tells me). And for those fretting about Elizabeth Mitchell's future with the show, I am assured that Juliet figures very heavily into Season 5. Me, I see her and Sawyer (wet and shirtless or even dry and clothed) taking charge as Locke and his band of worshippers move forth with whatever cockamamie plan they have in mind.

Source: TVGuide