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Michael Emerson Interview with Hollywood 411

*Update* New video from DarkUFO allows for all to view not just US viewers.

Here is a new interview with LOST star Michael Emerson (Ben) talking about last week's episode (Finale Part 1) nothing too spoilery, but he does say The Orchid hatch is a station on top of a station on top of a station.

Nice little interview about what Ben is up to.


1) Cast is more enthused since the pilot
2) The Orchid hatch is a station with in a station on top of a station.
3) Answers "You know who I was signaling" when asked if he was signaling Jacob with a Mirror
4) Giving himself up is part of Ben's "plan", dangerous, but has an idea on how to pull it off
5) Avoids answering question about how to move the island
6) Funny moment about 15 year old crackers and say Locke, Ben and Hurley have become a comedy trio.
7) Alex's death threw Ben off his game and he still has not recovered
8) Ben was so mad he called the smoke monster - Emerson says "wouldn't you!?"
9) There is a "high-stakes" game between Ben and Widmore, but not sure nature of game or what the stakes are. Previously there was never been a move Ben did not know what it would lead to, but it has been all "upset"