WARNING: There are MANY MAJOR LOST Season 6 Finale Spoilers now posted and the Spoiler Warning will remain at RED until the show ends.
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Hey All, The las few days has seen an influx of several set pictures from Lost Episode 4x09, from a set looking like it was set up in the Middle East. You could clearly see what looked like Arabic writing and the attire of the background extras also indicated it was somewhere in the Middle East. Of course more rumors came about with the appearance of Ben (Michael Emerson) on set and perhaps it was Tunisia.
However today's set of pics reveal MAJOR LOST Spoilers and it seems like a MAJOR plot point for this episode hes now been revealed with this set of new images.
According to our good friend DarkUFO and one of his sources, this is potentially another Sayid (Naveen Andrews) Centric Flashforward and the scene being filmed was Nadia's Funeral....!!
Andrews has yet to be spotted on set, but this is potentially the reason why Sayid eventually starts working for Ben.
Based on yesterday's pics, my feeling is, Ben is taking pictures of Nadia's funeral and will show then to Sayid in order to convince him to become a hitman for him.
Here is a nice little scoop that I'd like to share with you all. One of my contacts in Hawaii, called "Hawaii Girl" has just been in contact with me and sent me the following information from yesterdays filming. We can confirm the following snippets.
- Sayid is indeed in Episode 4.09 - Sayid is one of the Pallbearers at his former love, Nadia's, funeral - According to other sources Ben was also seen "close by" and ties in with recent spoilers and photos posted here from Ryan in with Michael Emerson was spotted.
We hope to get confirmation of the Title (which has been rumoured as Bakir, a character in the episode) and if is indeed a Sayid or Ben centric episode. I strongly suspect that it is a Sayid Centric episode but we'll have to wait and see on that.
Here are some photos from the filming. You can see the photo of Nadia being held by one of the extras on the set that was placed on the coffin.
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