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Thanks to http://llegaronparaquedarse.blogspot.com/ for the heads up on this interview with Mark Pellegrino who confirms that he will be in multiple episodes this season.
Lost is one of the most complex and dense series ever produced. Having stepped into the show so late in The Game, with your first appearance in the fifth-season finale, "The Incident," how much do you need to understand the Lost universe in order to play a character as enigmatic as Jacob? My wife can usually know the end of a movie from the beginning. She knew within five minutes that Bruce Willis was dead in The Sixth Sense. Very annoying sometimes. And she doesn't even know what it means yet or where everything is going in Lost. And that's the beauty of that show. They always surprise ya. Since I'm not quite as clever as her -- when the ring rolled across the floor, so did my jaw -- I prefer to be on a need-to-know basis. I know what I need in the scene and how I feel about it. And that's it, although I occasionally get an ominous hint or two...which I can't reveal.
How much have (Lost writers-producers) Damon Lindelof and Bryan Burk and the guys told you about Jacob? And to your thinking, who -- or what -- the hell is this guy? On this account I can say very little. The things I do know, I am sorry to say, will be revealed at a later date.
We tried. Let's go at it this way. How many episodes can we expect to see you in? And what are the chances you'll be around long enough to appear in the series finale? There will be a number. But the amount and placement are locked away in a safe, deep in a cave in Diamond Head.
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