Welcome to LOST Spoilers at The ODI

WARNING: There are MANY MAJOR LOST Season 6 Finale Spoilers now posted and the Spoiler Warning will remain at RED until the show ends.

The site is being updated daily. If you think you have a scoop, then please click on the following button or to browse the site use the drop down menu to select a subject.

Site Design and Changes Coming Soon - Please Help

Hey All,
With the TV off-season in full swing and the number of readers continuing to grow we have decided to take the little time available during the off season to update and change the site a bit.

We are currently in the process of creating a new more sleek design with better menus, features, and colors that should help improve the organization and look of the site.

Of course the site would not exist if you all out there were not reading it, so we want to get some feedback from all of you out there! The LOST and Heroes pages are the most popular parts of the site, but the new TV Spoilers page is growing steadily and covers several other popular shows. We will be improving the Chat Page and will also be adding a "Fun Zone" for fan fiction/art, polls, contests and more!!

Below is a poll asking what browser you use to view the site. With so many different options available we want to do our best that the new design will be ideal for our readers and the browsers they are using.

Also, here is a list of few questions asking about the site, your answers and feedback will be vital in helping to improve the site. Please do not waste our time with BS answers like your "Site Sucks!!". This is a free site and any little ad revenue we get is put right back into the site for hosting accounts. If you do not like the site and are not willing to be respectful and help then please do not visit.

If you would like to help out then please provide some feedback below, here are the questions:

1) What is the one thing about The ODI that keeps you coming back for more?
2) If you could change one thing about TheODI, what would it be?
3) What would you like to see more of from TheODI?
4) What would you like to see less of from TheODI?
5) Any other comments/suggestions.