WARNING: There are MANY MAJOR LOST Season 6 Finale Spoilers now posted and the Spoiler Warning will remain at RED until the show ends.
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Yesterday, we posted a little report from SecretAgentMan (SAM), who is a very reliable source for LOST Spoilers, saying that he had a "feeling" about a potential flash back for the Black Rock.
Well today we received some more information that seems to actually confirm SAM's feeling.
One of our sources from the local marina here in Los Angeles just provided us with some information that the LOST producers are in the process of looking for a "big black ominous looking ship".
Not only are they looking for this ship, but also booked a "chase" ship that will go after the black one..!!
We are hoping to get some pictures, but here is an image that was sent over of some similar boats that they were looking at. Also below is the message we received:
The Lost producers are looking for two ships, both need to be seaworthy. The main one they wanted was a big black ominous looking ship, but the ship company didn't have anything that was even remotely similar to what they described. However, they booked another ship and it's going to be a chase ship which goes after the big black one.
The chase ship is the oldest ship in the marina and it looks like it's from the 1500's. Do you know why they would want boats that looked to be several hundred years old?
They want to film out in the Pacific off the California coast in early September.
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