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WARNING: There are MANY MAJOR LOST Season 6 Finale Spoilers now posted and the Spoiler Warning will remain at RED until the show ends.
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The site is being updated daily. If you think you have a scoop, then please click on the following button or to browse the site use the drop down menu to select a subject.
ODI LOSTcast 14 - Special Finale Spoilers Extended Podcast
Posted by
on Tuesday, May 20, 2008
**UPDATE** May 20th 6PM PST It seems like our good friend DarkUFO has had to remove his synopsis, but this podcast is still available and covers each point of the synopsis. So please help spread the word to fans that they can still listen to all of the spoilers via the podcast.
Hey Spoiler Fans,
Soooo this is what you all have been waiting for. Our good friend DarkUFO has finally posted his his Season Finale MAJOR Spoiler synopsis. Now as promised for those that did not want to be spoiled by the synopsis, but wanted to know some minor details.
So we have recorded this special finale spoilers podcast just for all of you out there.
The podcast is available now on iTunes and you can subscribe directly on iTunes or just subscribe by clicking on the icon in the right sidebar.
Yesterday, we posted the first part of the podcast which is spoiler-free and a recap of the first part of the finale. So if you want to listen to that part of the podcast first you can find it here on the frontpage of the site:
ODI LOSTcast 14 Part 1 - Finale Part 1 Recap
Ok now here is a little summary of what you will learn by listening:
NOTE: "Minor" is based on OUR opinion of what is considered minor. If you do NOT want to be spoiled do NOT listen to the podcast, this is your last warning. Also, as DarkUFO has posted this information is 99.999% accurate, but there is always chance something could be changed.
Along with the spoilers we provide you with our analysis and feeling of the scenes.
Minor Spoilers:
1) You will learn where Richard and the Others are taking Sayid and Kate
2) More about the Sawyer and Kate Kiss
3) Little more about the Jack/Kate Season 3 finale ending scene
4) Why Jack and the O6 are lying
Major Spoilers (Start at 9 Minute Mark of the Audio)
1) Full details about what happens right after the Kate/Jack Scene FF from Season 3
2) FULL details of Sayid FF
3) Find out what happens with Ben, Keamy and Locke at the Orchid
4) Which main characters will die and HOW
5) How the O6 make it off the island
6) Full details of The Frozen Donkey Wheel
7) Who is in the coffin!!
Plus much more...!!
Well here is the audio and below the player is a download link.
ODI LOSTcast 14 - Special Finale Spoilers Extended Podcast
Download Link:
ODI LOSTcast 14 - Special Finale Spoilers Extended Podcast

Soooo this is what you all have been waiting for. Our good friend DarkUFO has finally posted his his Season Finale MAJOR Spoiler synopsis. Now as promised for those that did not want to be spoiled by the synopsis, but wanted to know some minor details.
So we have recorded this special finale spoilers podcast just for all of you out there.
The podcast is available now on iTunes and you can subscribe directly on iTunes or just subscribe by clicking on the icon in the right sidebar.
Yesterday, we posted the first part of the podcast which is spoiler-free and a recap of the first part of the finale. So if you want to listen to that part of the podcast first you can find it here on the frontpage of the site:
ODI LOSTcast 14 Part 1 - Finale Part 1 Recap
Ok now here is a little summary of what you will learn by listening:
NOTE: "Minor" is based on OUR opinion of what is considered minor. If you do NOT want to be spoiled do NOT listen to the podcast, this is your last warning. Also, as DarkUFO has posted this information is 99.999% accurate, but there is always chance something could be changed.
Along with the spoilers we provide you with our analysis and feeling of the scenes.
Minor Spoilers:
1) You will learn where Richard and the Others are taking Sayid and Kate
2) More about the Sawyer and Kate Kiss
3) Little more about the Jack/Kate Season 3 finale ending scene
4) Why Jack and the O6 are lying
Major Spoilers (Start at 9 Minute Mark of the Audio)
1) Full details about what happens right after the Kate/Jack Scene FF from Season 3
2) FULL details of Sayid FF
3) Find out what happens with Ben, Keamy and Locke at the Orchid
4) Which main characters will die and HOW
5) How the O6 make it off the island
6) Full details of The Frozen Donkey Wheel
7) Who is in the coffin!!
Plus much more...!!
Well here is the audio and below the player is a download link.
ODI LOSTcast 14 - Special Finale Spoilers Extended Podcast
Download Link:
ODI LOSTcast 14 - Special Finale Spoilers Extended Podcast